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Happy Feast of St. Joseph!

March 19, 2012

As I prepared for Confirmation (back when the sacrament was conferred on second graders) I spent considerable time ruminating about my choice of patron saint (‘twas the biggest decision I had yet been trusted with). So I asked Sr. Marie, “Who’s a good saint for being in charge of a family?” Not that I had the faintest idea of what ‘being in charge of a family’ entailed, it’s just that I kept seeing an image of a husband/father in my future. “Saint Joseph,” came her answer. Soror locuta, causa finita.

Dcn. Greg Kandra posted some fine thoughts today on “St. Joseph and the Age of Anxiety” that expressed my now middle-aged mind almost perfectly. So often, when facing some family situation or another, I sense that (besides God, of course) only St. Joseph (or St. Thomas More) really understand what’s at stake. I turn to him (well, both of them) often, and encourage other men responsible for a wife and children to do the same.

Sicut pater taciter stat Faber supra nos, et dicit nobis suaviter ‘Defendo quoque vos.’

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