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Abp. Raymond Burke is the newest member of the Signatura

July 10, 2006

Funny thing about the Catholic Church: When she really wants to give someone a reward, or an honor, or some kind of recognition, she doesn’t spend much time on medals and ribbons, on parchment proclamations, or (perish the thought!) a cozy research grant. No, when the Catholic Church really wants to honor a man of extraordinary talent and dedication, she gives him—another job to do.

That’s how I see the recent appointment of St. Louis’ Archbishop Raymond Burke as a member to the Apostolic Signatura (the Church’s highest administrative law court, 1983 CIC 1445). Abp. Burke knows that offices in the Church are given for the sake of service, and that when the Church calls one to higher and additional offices, she is really calling one to serve the People of God even more deeply than before. Prayers and best wishes, Archbishop Raymond Burke!

Some interesting analysis on this appointment from reporter Tom Szyszkiewicz.

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